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Embedded Systems for Avionic and Space Applications

Air traffic control, mapping via camera data from the air, and airspace security and surveillance are some of the uses of avionic and space embedded systems. They enable precise navigation and communication systems, as well as the capture and analysis of high-resolution images via camera data.

The requirements for embedded systems in aviation are particularly high due to their need to meet very strict standards. These standards, such as DO-178C for software development in aviation, DO-160, ARINC or ATR Air Transport Rack, set strict standards for safety and reliability. The requirements of aviation safety authorities must be met by these systems to ensure safe and efficient aviation. Overall, the contribution embedded systems make to the safety and efficiency of civil aviation is significant.

Embedded systems for avionic and space applications will typically require extremely high computing performance and extensive data storage. They will also need to operate without fans or any other parts that would require high maintenance. Last but not least, they need a good space/performance ratio (SWaP) and should be available for many years.
EKF Application Overview Website Avionic and Space

EKF Services for Avionic and Space Embedded Systems

Long-Term Availability

According to our life cycle policy, we will never discontinue products due to economic reasons. Our products will continue to be offered as long as we can obtain obsolete components from reputable sources at a comparable quality and price point.

Planning even further, EKF works on a case by case basis to store obsolete components long time to be able to produce more products when needed. EKF owns all rights to its designs and operates its own production line, giving us independence and complete control over the process.

Coating, Sealing, Underfilling

If required, all our products come with a conformal coating. The coating is completed by relying on experienced partners.

At EKF, coating means both sealing and underfilling to protect PCB and components from harsh environments. In avionic and space applications, this may be necessary due to high differences in air pressure or temperature.

Custom System Design

Some applications have specific hardware requirements, need special components and individual configuration.

As our product range consists mainly of modular and flexible platform solutions, system design and individual support are key to fulfilling our customers’ exact requirements. With our Intel Gold partnership, we always provide the most current and powerful CPU platforms on CompactPCI Serial, fulfilling special requirements for e.g. FPGA design, market-specific connectors (Quadrax, MIL) or mechanical rack design (ARINC 600).

Modularity through a broad range of side cards is part of our core competence. We can offer unlimited possibilities to customize your systems with a wide range of expansion cards for connectors, fieldbuses or communication protocols.

EKF Use Cases for Avionic and Space Embedded Systems

For many years, EKF embedded boards and systems have been utilized in numerous avionic and space applications. Below is just a small selection of our previous projects.

Video Surveillance for 400 Cameras with CPCI® Serial to CPCI® Bridge and SSD Extension
Digital Aerial Mapping with CompactPCI® Serial
ARINC600 Flight Server for Recording, Switching, Maintenance and Safety State Functions
CompactPCI® Serial-based Flight Guidance Systems with Recalibration Function
Real-Time Avionic Systems Testing with Single Pair Ethernet on CompactPCI® Serial
EKF Use Cases Waben_avionic-space

How can we help you?

As these are just examples, you may ask yourself if your requirement would be a good fit with our set of competencies?

Simply get in touch and find out what is possible for your specific project! EKF sees itself as a partner at the round desk. We work in collaboration with clients to create the optimal solution for the particular application.

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